1 O speak softly to thy comrade,
When the waves of passion madly
Roll forth in angry word,
Or prompt the vengeful blow;
Do thou good for evil, render,
Else thou shalt remember sadly,
That heaven the strife will see;
Thy Father all will know,
His law may not be broken,
His word is clearly spoken:
Whoso hateth thee, befriend him,
As God befriendeth thee.
2 Cast thou oil upon the waters,
Let thy voice like David's music
Drive forth the evil thought,
Thy friend doth cherish now,
When is calm'd the raging tumult,
O thy voice he'll not refuse it,
So see thou harm him not,
Nor scornful bend the brow:
Thy Father hath commanded,
Thy Father doth reward thee,
And thou gainest now a brother,
Who else were lost to thee.
Source: Linden Harp: a rare collection of popular melodies adapted to sacred and moral songs, original and selected. Illustrated. Also a manual of... #76