1 O Splendor of God's glory bright,
You daily bring forth light from light.
O Light from Light, light's fountain-spring,
O Day, our days enlightening:
2 Come, very Sun of truth and love,
Come in your radiance from above,
And shed the Holy Spirit's ray
On all we think or do today.
3 Teach us to work with all our pow'r
To conquer in temptation's hour.
Let faith her eager fires renew
And hate the false and love the true.
4 Oh, joyful be the livelong day,
Our thoughts as pure as morning ray,
Our faith like noonday's glowing height,
Our souls undimmed by shades of night.
5 All praise to God the Father be,
All praise to Christ eternally,
Whom with the Spirit we adore
Forever and forevermore.
Source: Christian Worship (1993): a Lutheran hymnal #586