1 Oh, the glorious day is coming,
By faith its dawning see!
When righteousness shall rule the world,
And men indeed be free:
When weary souls shall cease to mourn,
By weight of woe oppressed;
When Christ shall reign in every heart,
By every tongue confessed.
Oh, the glorious day is coming—
Yes, ’tis coming! Hallelujah!
Shout, O Earth, the joyful cry!
See! the glory beams are even now illuming
The glowing banners of the morning sky.
2 Yes, the Lord is surely coming,
His kingdom draweth nigh,
When gloom and night shall flee away,
And error writhe and die.
Lo, He shall come, and by His power
Redeem the world from sin;
The "thousand years" so long foretold
In that day shall begin. [Refrain]
3 Then the Conqueror of the Nations
Shall banish every wrong,
And earth, now sad with sighs and tears,
Shall then be filled with song:
And we shall lay our armor down,
Our earthly warfare o’er,
Called home to be with God, and reign
With Him forevermore. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8824