1 O thou in whom the Gentiles trust,
Thou only holy, only just;
O tune our souls to praise thy name,
Jesus! unchangeable, the same!
2 If angels, whilst to thee they sing,
Wrap up their faces in their wing;
How shall we sinful dust draw nigh,
Thy great and awful Majesty?
3 Glory to thee, auspicious Lamb!
Thou holy Lord, thou great I Am!
With all our pow'rs thy grace we bless;
Our joy, our peace, our righteousness!
4 Live, ever glorious Jesus! live
Worthy all blessings to receive!
Worthy on high enthron'd to sit,
With every pow'r beneath thy feet!
5 Blessings forever on the Lamb,
Who bore the curse of sinful man:
Let angels sound the sacred name,
And ev'ry creature say Amen.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #LXXXVI