O thou who dwellest on high, 'Mid burning seraphs bright

Representative Text

1. O Thou who dwell’st on high,
’Mid burning seraphs bright,
Pavilioned in the azure sky,
Robed with celestial light:
Permit us to draw near,
And worship and adore;
Redeemed from sin and guilt and fear,
Thy blessing we implore.

2. Thou high and holy Lord,
Before whom seraphs fall
With faces veiled and spirits awed,
And Thee thrice holy call:
We fall before Thy feet,
Unworthy to draw near,
E’en though before Thy mercy seat
Thou call’st us to appear.

3. Hear Thou the prayer we bring;
Regard Thy children’s need;
Accept the hymns of praise we sing,
And to our vows give heed.
We seek Thee in Thy Son,
Who died our souls to save—
The crucified but risen One,
Triumphant o’er the grave.

4. Through Him, our great high priest
Before the heav’nly throne,
We seek redemption’s power and peace—
Peace to the world unknown;
Seeking, we find Thee near
To bless with every grace
And make us meet, when Thou appear,
To see Thee face to face.

Source: The Cyber Hymnal #5425

Author: Wilson T. Hogue

Born: March 6, 1852, Lyndon, New York. Died: February 13, 1920, Springfield, Illinois. Buried: In the family plot at Franklinville, New York. Hogue was a bishop of the Free Methodist Church, and first president of Greenville College, Illinois. His works include: History of the Free Methodist Church/ Hymns That Are Immortal The Holy Spirit Old Time Methodist Class Meeting The First Day Sabbath (Chicago, Illinois: Free Methodist Publishing House, 1901) --www.hymntime.com/tch/… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: O thou who dwellest on high, 'Mid burning seraphs bright
Author: Wilson T. Hogue
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



Composed for Bridges's text by George J. Elvey (PHH 48), DIADEMATA was first published in the 1868 Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern. Since that publication, the tune has retained its association with this text. The name DIADEMATA is derived from the Greek word for "crowns." The tune is lively an…

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The Cyber Hymnal #5425
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The Cyber Hymnal #5425

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