1 O Thou, with whom, in sweet content,
The soul that loves Thee shall abide,
Grant that Thy spirit may be sent,
That by its influence purified
And touched and blessed, we may be free,
Father and Friend, to dwell with Thee.
2 Oh, fire our hearts with quenchless love
For men, and for Thy truth divine—
That we may guide to things above,
Where in Thy heav’ns eternal shine
The strong attractions of that home
From which, when found, no soul can roam.
3 And if upon our lonely way,
We faint and cry to Thee for aid,
Then, O our Father, grant, we pray,
That, by us trembling and afraid,
May walk the Leader of our race,
Filling with light and joy the place.
4 Crown us with love, and so with peace,
Transfigure duty to delight;
Our lips inspire, our faith increase,
Brighten with hope our darkest night.
Bring us from earthly bondage free,
To find our heav’n in serving Thee.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14196