1 O, turn thy little foot aside,
Nor crush beneath its tread
The humblest creature of the earth
That looks to God for bread.
2 Thou should'st not dare, in wanton
Such wondrous skill to mar,
To stop that tide of joyous life
Which God has nourish'd there.
3 If he who made the universe
Stoops down in kindest love
To make an insect of the earth,
From his high throne above,
4 O! who should dare that insect's life
In wantoness destroy,
Or give a pang to anything
That he has made for joy?
5 My child, begin in little things
To act a gentle part,
For God will turn his love away
From the cold and cruel heart.
Source: Linden Harp: a rare collection of popular melodies adapted to sacred and moral songs, original and selected. Illustrated. Also a manual of... #120b