1 O weary burdened souls opprest,
Come to the Great Physician,
He longs to heal and give you rest,
He feels your sad condition.
Then come quickly away,
He knows and pities your sorrow,
No longer delay, but seek Him today,
O why do you wait the morrow.
2 Behold, He now is passing by,
Come to the Great Physician,
He left His Father's throne on high,
To help your sad condition. [Chorus]
3 O hear the warning voice within,
Come to the Great Physician,
His blood will cleanse from ev'ry sin,
And change your sad condition. [Chorus]
4 With His dear name your only plea,
Come to the Great Physician,
No pow'r but His can make you free
From this your sad condition. [Chorus]
Source: International Song Service: with Bright Gems from fifty authors, for Sunday-schools, gospel meetings, missionary and young people's societies, prayer-meetings, etc. #32