1 O what a lovely thing
It is to learn to sing,
And chant our Maker's praise;
Our sweet enjoyment here,
Makes every moment dear,
While learning these loved lays.
2 Come, join our singing school,
And learn to sing by rule,
Each joyful song of praise;
Come, every cheerful heart,
And bear an active part,
In sweet melodious lays.
3 Our hearts do here aspire,
With ardent, warm desire,
To be like saints above;
Where every heart and voice,
In sweetest songs rejoice,
And praise God's glorious love.
4 Our souls within do burn,
While we true virtue learn,
And tender feelings gain;
Then what a lovely thing
It is to learn to sing,
Where love and friendship reign.
Source: The Little Minstrel: a collection of songs and music, with lessons of instruction, mathematically arranged plan of notation #108