1 “O what can I do for my Savior today?”
Is often the question we hear;
But while we can study the life of our Lord,
The answer must ever be clear.
With love for the poorest and lowest of earth,
He gave them His tenderest care;
With pitying touch or with comforting word,
He hastened their burdens to share.
Go thou and do likewise, disciples of Christ,
Our Mater has shown us the way;
Go thou and do likewise; let true, kindly deeds
Enoble the work of each day.
2 He never in scorn passed a wandering one,
No matter how sunken in sin;
His pity and love, like the almighty arms,
Would gather the lowliest in.
He sought neither station, nor honor, nor wealth,
But searched for the poor and distressed,
And many a home that was humble and poor,
His presence and sympathy blessed. [Refrain]
3 How firm in temptation; in trials how true;
How meek under insult and blow;
In sorrow and pain how submissive His pray’r,
His faith never weakened by woe.
His life, oh, how freely ‘twas given to men,
In spite of rejection and scorn;
His kindness and mercy brought hope to the lost,
And joy to the poor forlorn. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.5 #110