1 Oh, why do you carry your burden alone,
That burden so heavy to bear?
Why under its weight do you labor and groan,
When Jesus is saying in tenderest tone,
My child, cast on me ev'ry care?
2 Go tell all your troubles, He'll give you relief,
Whenever on Him you depend;
This blest "Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief,"
To the cries of His children will never be deaf,
If only in faith they ascend.
3 When sickness or pain shall distress, He will heal,
Or else give you strength to endure;
For our Saviour who suffered will tenderly deal
With His own stricken children, if they will but kneel
And ask this Physician to cure.
4 Then go to Him always whatever befall,
If sickness, or sorrow, or care;
If pain should disturb you, or sin, tell Him all,
At the foot of the cross humbly, trustingly fall,
And leave ev'ry burden right there.
Source: Windows of Heaven: hymns new and old for the church, sunday school and home (New ed.) #81