1 O wondrous orb, ‘tis heav’n’s bright morning star,
Gives light and hope to wand’ring souls afar,
Brings Jesus near and sets our hearts aglow
With life and peace, heav’n’s sweet foretaste below.
Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace
Whose mind is stayed on Thee,
Thou wilt keep Him, safely keep Him,
Because He trusteth in Thee.
2 My peace, said Christ, the sinner’s only friend,
I give to you, which God the Father sends;
Fear not, I say, though waves of trouble roll
My home’s prepared for every anxious soul. [Refrain]
3 Take courage, then, though rocks and shoals abound,
Our Pilot true, no better can be found,
Will land us safe from sorrow storm and care,
Where pain nor death can ever enter there. [Refrain]
4 O holy Dove, sweet messenger of peace,
Brood o’er my life till earth my soul release,
Then waft me home to regions fair above,
To dwell with Him who bought me with His love. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #146