1 O words of comfort granted
For ev’ry need and care,
The very message wanted
To chase away despair;
This sweet command of Jesus
Was meant to be obeyed,—
“Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.”
O soul, redeemed by Jesus,
All heav’n is pledged to aid:
“Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.”
2 When disappointment scatters
Your hopes like autumn leaves;
When all is lost that matters,
And all is left that grieves;
When chastisement and sorrow
On darkened days are laid;
“Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.” [Refrain]
3 When past sins rise unbidden,
To spoil the present good,
And all the light is hidden,
By some desponding mood,
He whispers in compassion,
“My love the debt hath paid;
Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.” [Refrain]
4 When health and strength are failing,
Beneath the load of years,
And toil seems unavailing,
And life is thronged with fears,
“Fear not!” He saith, “In weakness
My strength is perfect made;
Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.” [Refrain]
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving #87