1 O, work for the Master; the field is so wide,
Whenever God puts you in patience abide;
Be faithful in little, for then you shall know
How much greater blessing the Lord can bestow.
Do something for Jesus!
Do something for Jesus!
"Go, work in my vineyard,"
O hear him now say,
Do something for Jesus!
Do something for Jesus!
The Master is calling,
O serve him today.
2 Yes, work for the Master; at home, by the way,
You meet precious souls, for whom labor and pray;
"The Lord giveth wisdom," he'll give it to you,
If earnestly asking, "Lord, what shall I do." [Chorus]
3 Sweet work for the Master! you toil not alone,
Your weakness and needs to your Saviour are known;
He'll strengthen and help you, while life passes by,
Then give you a share in his triumph on high. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #38