1 Of Mercy's never-failing Spring,
And stedfast Judgment I will sing;
And since they both to Thee belong,
To Thee, O Lord, address my Song.
2 When, Lord, Thou shalt with me reside,
Wise Discipline my Reign shall guide;
With blameless Life myself I'll make
A Pattern for my Court to take.
3 No ill Design will I pursue,
Nor those my Fv'rites make that do.
4 Who to Reproof has no Regard,
Him will I totally discard.
5 The private Slanderer shall be
In publick Justice doom'd by me:
From haughty Looks I'll turn aside,
And mortify the Heart of Pride.
6 But Honesty, call'd from her Cell,
In Splendor at my Court shall dwell:
Who Virtue's Practice make their Care,
Shall have the first Preferments there.
7 No Politicks shall recommend
His Countries Foe to be my Friend:
None e'er shall to my Favour rise
By flatt'ring or malicious Lies.
8 All those who wicked Courses take,
An early Sacrifice I'll make;
cut off, destroy, 'till none remain
God's holy City to prophane.
Source: A New Version of the Psalms of David: fitted to the Tunes used in Churches #CI