1 On a strength beyond my own, safe I lean from day to day,
In the darkest hour His hand of pow’r gives help divine alway.
All my burdens large and small to the blessed Lord I take,
Every grief and care He’ll gladly share, for the loving Jesus’ sake.
I am singing with rejoicing,
All the Christ love gladly voicing,
With His hand in mine on my way I go,
Trusting in His strength, for my Lord doth know.
2 Grace sufficient He will give, on His word I can rely,
To this Friend I’ll flee, what’s best for me He’ll surely not deny.
Though the storms of worldly strife, heavy beat upon my soul,
When He whispers peace, earth’s troubles cease, back the swelling waters roll. [Refrain]
3 So I sing my song of joy though I cannot understand,
In His way I go, my Lord doth know, He holds me with His hand,
On a strength beyond my own I am satisfied to rest,
Through eternity His face I’ll see, with the Christ supremely blest. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #92