1 On thee the Race of Man depends,
Far as the Earth's remotest Ends;
Where the Creator's Name is known
By Nature's feeble Light alone.
2 At thy Command the Morning Ray
Smiles in the East and leads the Day;
Thou guid'st the sun's declining Wheels
Over the tops of Western Hills.
3 Seasons and Times obey thy Voice;
The Evening and the Morn rejoice
To see the Earth made soft with Showers,
Laden with Fruit and drest in Flowers.
4 'Tis from the watry Stores on high
Thou giv'st the thirsty Ground supply;
Thou walk'dst upon the Clouds, and thence
Dost thy enriching Drops dispence.
5 The Desart grows a fertile Field;
Abundant Fruit the Valleys yield
The Vallies shout with chearful Voice,
And neighbouring Hills repeat their Joys.
6 The Pasture smile in green array,
Where Lambs and larger Cattle play:
The larger Cattle and the Lamb,
Each in his Language speaks thy Name.
7 Thy Works pronounce thy Power divine;
O'er every Field thy Glories shine:
Thro' every Month thy Gifts appear,
Great God, thy Goodness crowns the Year.
First Line: | On God the race of man depends Far as the earth's remotest ends |
Author: | Isaac Watts |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |