1 On Judah’s plains as shepherds kept,
Watch o'er their flocks by night,
The angel of the Lord appeared,
Clad in celestial light.
2 Awe-struck the vision they regard,
Appalled with trembling fear;
When thus a cherub voice divine
Breathed sweetly on their ear:
3 “Shepherds of Judah! cease your fears,
And calm your troubled mind;
Glad tidings of great joy I bring
To you and all mankind.
4 “This day Almighty Love fulfills
Its great eternal word;
This day is born in Bethlehem
A Savior, Christ the Lord.
5 There shall you find the heav'nly Babe
In humblest weeds arrayed;
All meanly wrapped in swaddling clothes,
And in a manger laid."
6 He ceased, and sudden all around
Appeared a radiant throng
Of angels, praising God, and thus
They sang their choral song:
7 "Glory to God, from whom on high
All gracious mercies flow!
Who sends His heav’n-descended peace
To dwell with man below."
Source: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal: with music #37a