1 On the blessed Rock of Ages,
In calm or tide,
Always in that sacred shelter
Let me abide.
Trusting only in its keeping,
Naught else to see,
Ever on the Rock of Ages,
Lord, hold Thou me.
Lord, hold Thou me,
Lord, hold Thou me,
Ever on the Rock of Ages,
Lord, hold Thou me,
2 On the blessed Rock of Ages,
Nor drawn away
By the many lights alluring,
O keep, I pray!
And if swept by sorrow’s tempest
My strength shall flee,
Father, on the Rock of Ages,
O hold Thou me. [Refrain]
3 On the blessed Rock of Ages
When comes the call;
Not to journey, ’tis but passing,
One step is all.
Only that I may be ready
Thy face to see,
O upon the Rock of Ages,
Lord, hold Thou me. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost #82