On the Eastern plain the flocks are sleeping,
Are sweetly sleeping, are sweetly sleeping;
O'er them faithful shepherds watch are keeping,
While sweetest music fills the air.
The bells are ringing, sweetly ringing,
The mercy, mercy bells, the Christmas bells;
The bells are ringing, sweetly ringing,
The mercy bells, the Christmas bells.
2 Wondrous is the news their tones are telling,
Are softly telling, are softly telling;
Round the waiting earth in chorus swelling,
They tell of Jesus, born this day. [Chorus]
3 Still the message round the earth is ringing,
Is sweetly ringing, is sweetly ringing;
Nations to the King are tribute bringing,
To Christ, the Saviour, King of all. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #206