1 On, tho’ thy way may be dreary,
On, tho’ thou see not the end;
On, and O, look not behind thee,
Joy shall thy steps soon attend.
Run, the, the race set before thee,
Casting aside ev’ry sin;
O, for the bliss set before thee,
Run, and the prize thou shalt win.
2 On, tho’ thy feet may be weary,
Yonder remaineth a rest;
Sit thou not down, nor yet loiter,
On, and thy soul shall be blest. [Chorus]
3 On, for thy time quickly passeth,
Day is with thee on the wane;
On, lest the night should o’ertake thee,
Ere the reward thou obtain. [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #206a