1 One place is vacant, One face is gone,
One form has left us, no more to return.
Mournful and sad are the hearts that we bring,
Mournful and sad is the song that we sing.
One place is vacant, One face is gone,
One form has left us, no more to return.
2 One voice is silent, One pulse is still,
One heart no more will kind missions fulfil.
Mournful and sad are the hearts that we bring,
Mournful and sad is the song that we sing.
One voice is silent, One pulse is still,
One heart no more will kind missions fulfil.
3 Dear hands are weary, Dear eyes are dim,
Quick ears are stopped, ne'er to hear us again.
Mournful and sad are the hearts that we bring,
Mournful and sad is the song that we sing.
Dear hands are weary, Dear eyes are dim,
Quick ears are stopped, ne'er to hear us again.
Source: The Silver Chime: a cluster of Sabbath school melodies, tunes, sentences, chants, etc., for the use of children and teachers in their school exercises, devotions, and recreations, to which is added... #73