1 Open ye the gates, that the truth may enter in;
Trust ye in the Lord, He’ll forgive you of your sin.
Jehovah reigns on high, and descendeth down to men;
His spirit surely strives, your soul to dwell within.
Open ye the gates, open ye the gates, open ye the gates,
He is waiting to come in;
Open ye the gates, open ye the gates, open ye the gates,
Jehovah will come in.
2 Open ye the gates, for His mind is stayed on thee;
Trust ye in His word, for He trusteth still in thee.
Salvation draweth nigh, and is waiting to come in;
Then harden not your hearts, O ask the Saviour in. [Refrain]
3 Who increased the nation? O Thou art glorified;
Who bro’t up creation? but never thou denied.
The world in wild commotion ascendeth unto Him;
Then open wide the gates, and let the Saviour in. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 4 #216