1 Our God ascends his lofty throne,
Array'd in majesty unknown;
His lustre all the temple fills,
And spreads o'er all th’ ethereal hills.
2 The holy, holy, holy Lord,
By all the Seraphim ador'd,
And, while they stand beneath his seat,
They veil their faces, and their feet.
3 Lord, how can sinful lips proclaim
The honors of so great a name?
O for thine altar’s glowing coal,
To touch his lips to fire his soul!
4 Then if a messenger thou ask,
A laborer for the hardest task,
Thro’ all his weakness and his fear,
Love shall reply, "Thy servant’s here."
5 Nor let his willing soul complain,
Tho’ every effort seem in vain;
It ample recompense shall be,
But to have wrought, O God, for thee.
Source: A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.) #CDVIII