1 Our heavenly Father, through Your Son,
all hallowed be Your Name;
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done
in heaven and earth the same.
2 You are the great provider, Lord,
of bread by which we live.
We are the great forgetters, Lord,
of thanks for all You give.
3 You are the great forgiver, Lord,
of all our constant sin.
We are the unforgivers, Lord,
of all our kith and kin.
4 You are the great deliverer, Lord,
from Satan's evil snares.
Give us the faith that trust You, Lord,
to banish all our cares.
5 You are the great example, where
You give and You forgive;
so teach us, Lord, to live Your prayer,
that we may truly live.
Source: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #253