1 Our Jesus loves his dear elect;
With glory they shall all be decked
Before his Father’s face.
Not one of them for whom he bled,
But shall with joy behold their Head,
In heaven their dwelling-place.
2 [They are the travail of his soul;
His sweetest thoughts on them did roll
From all eternity.
And, as the jewels of his crown,
He’ll give them honour, peace, renown,
And full felicity.]
3 Their sins upon him all were laid,
And he the dreadful debt has paid,
(A debt no more to pay;)
Their Surety in their law-place stood,
Appeased stern Justice with his blood,
And bore their sins away.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #67