1 Out from the hedges of this life,
And to the Lord your service give;
Out from the way of wrong and go the way of honor;
Out from the way that is a strife,
And go the way that you should live,
Then the angels of the heav’ns will sing.
Sing of His name with praise to Him,
Sing of His love and power to save,
Sing of the love and gladness there,
Over in that home beyond the grave.
2 Go ye among the ways of sin,
And throw a light to some poor soul,
Over the darkness of this life ’twill shine the brightest;
Into some heart a light within
Would be a loving, kind patrol,
Leading him into the home of homes. [Refrain]
3 Then your reward will be with Him
Whose light shall shine forever more,
Over the toils of life you’ll say ’tis well forever;
Into a world that ne’er shall end,
And where you’ll walk the golden shore,
Singing praises with the angels fair. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8786