1 Out upon life's restless ocean,
Far away from friends and home,
Wearied with our vain endeavors,
How we long for rest to come.
It is coming, coming coming,
Land of glory, bright and fair;
Yes tis coming, coming, coming,
Heav'nly breezes fill the air.
2 Naught to glad our anxious watchings,
Stormy billows, ocean's roar,
Faint of heart, almost despairing,
E'er to reach the quiet shore. [Refrain]
3 Yes, 'tis coming! faint not brother,
Do not let your faith grow dim,
Tis the Land Breeze from the gardens
Of our God, give praise to Him! [Refrain]
4 Soon we'll reach the peaceful haven,
All our weary wand'rings o'er,
Raise aloft the song of triumph!
See! the shore, the Heav'nly shore! [Refrain]
Source: Joyful Songs: a choice collection of new Sunday School music #106