1 O’er the sea that wildly dashes,
Soft the harbor-signal flashes,
Pointing out the shoals and rocks that threat’ning hide,
We are sailors tempest driven,
And we seek the port of heaven,
And the beacon-light of Calv’ry is our guide.
In the harbor, in the harbor
There the beacon-light is shining far and wide,
We are sailors tempest driven,
And we seek the port of heaven,
And the beacon-light of Calv’ry is our guide.
2 High upon the shore uplifted,
Vessels oft have past it drifted,
Heeding not its arms of radiance stretching wide,
Till the fierce gales drove them helpless
On a coast all black and starless,
Where no lighthouse lifts its head above the tide. [Chorus]
3 As the years are onward flowing,
That fair light is brighter growing,
Shining ever with a lustre clear and strong,
We will never, never falter,
Nor our onward course will alter,
Till we anchor in the port we’ve sought so long. [Chorus]
Source: Gems and Jewels #10