1 Pilgrim, halting, staff in hand,
Haste away!
Pilgrim, halting, staff in hand,
Haste, haste away;
E’en this path where thou dost stand,
Endeth in a better land,
Far away, far away,
Far, far away.
2 Though thy way seem dark and lone,
Look above, look above
Though thy way seem dark and lone,
Look, look above;
All is light around the throne—
Sorrow’s sighs are there unknown—
All is love, all is love,
All, all is love.
3 Pilgrim, God thy guide will be,
Him obey, Him obey;
Pilgrim, God thy guide will be,
Him, Him obey;
Trust Him, though thou canst not see,
‘Tis His hand that leadeth thee
All the way, all the way,
All, all the way.
Source: The Bright Array #153