1 Pilgrims on! the day is dawning;
Strike your tents, and homeward haste:
Sleep not while the blush of morning
Calls you on the dessert waste.
Tho' the way be dark and dreary,
Life's sharp anguish must be borne.
Courage, then, ye faint and weary,
Linger not to weep and mourn.
2 Pilgrims on! the storm is beating,
Beating wildly on your way:
Tarry not, the time is fleeting;
Shall the storm your footsteps stay?
Hasten on, thro' joy and sorrow,
Or whatever may betide,
Wait not for the calm tomorrow,
Faithful at your work abide.
3 Pilgrim on! what tho' in dangers,
Life's eventful course pursue;
Labor on, ye friendless strangers,
Grace will guide you safely through.
What if trials must befall you!
What if fierce temptations rise!
Shall earth's bitter strife appall you
While contending for the prize?
4 Pilgrims on! there's rest in heaven,
Rest from every anxious care,
Rest in Jesus' smiles forgiven,
Peaceful and eternal there.
O, 't were sweet to toil in sadness,
O, 't were well the cross to bear,
If at last in joy and gladness
We may rest forever there!
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #642