1 Praise God! Praise God with singing!
Rejoice, thou Christian flock!
Fear not though foes are bringing
Their hosts against thy rock;
For though they here assail thee
And seek thy very life,
Let not thy courage fail thee;
Thy God shall turn the strife.
2 O be not thou dismayed,
Believing little band.
God, in His might arrayed,
To help thee is at hand.
Upon His palm engraven
Thy name is ever found,
He knows, Who dwells in heaven,
The ills that thee surround.
3 His purpose stands unshaken—
What He hath said He’ll do;
And, when by all forsaken,
His Church He will renew.
With pity He beholds her
E’en in her time of woe,
Still by His Word upholds her
And makes her thrive and grow.
4 To Him belong our praises,
Who still abides our Lord,
Bestowing gifts and graces
According to His Word.
Nor will He e’er forsake us,
But will our Guardian be
And ever stable make us
In love and unity.
Source: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #247