1 Praise Him, praise Him, Father almighty and King divine,
Praise Him, praise Him, worship and serve and adore Him,
Angels in heaven exalt His name,
Prophets and sages extol His fame,
Join in this chorus of glad acclaim,
As we bow before Him.
Praise, sing praise to the giver of all things fair,
He whose goodness encircles us ev’rywhere,
He who is mighty and holy, He of whom cherubims sing,
Praise Him, oh praise Him with anthem and song,
Our Lord and King.
2 Praise Him, praise Him, tenderest Shepherd and truest Friend,
Praise Him, praise Him, into green pastures He’ll guide us,
Ever He’ll listen with loving ear,
Waiting, the voice of each child to hear,
If we but speak we will find Him near,
He is close beside us. [Refrain]
3 Praise Him, praise Him, blessed Redeemer and Lord and King,
Praise Him, praise Him, Monarch both lowly and royal,
Give Him a love that is strong and true,
Honor His name in whate’er we do,
Serve Him with faith and with fervor new,
With a heart most loyal. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifting Songs #94