1 Praise to the Lord, whose mighty hand,
So oft reveal'd hath sav'd our land;
And, when united nations rose,
Hath sham'd and scourg'd our haughtiest.
2 When mighty navies from afar
To Britain's wafted floating war,
His breath dispers'd them all with ease,
And sunk their terrors in the seas.
3 While for our princes they prepare
In caverns deep a burning snare;
He shot from heaven a piercing ray,
And the dark treachery brought to days.
4 Princes and priests again combine
New chains to forge, new snares to twine;
Again our gracious God appears,
And breaks their chains, and cuts their snares.
5 Obedient winds at his command
Convey his hero to our land;
The sons of Rome with terror view,
And speed their flight when non pursue.
6 Such great deliverance God hath wrought,
And down to us salvation brought;
And still the care of guardian-heaven
Secures the bliss itself hath given.
7 In thee we trust, almighty Lord,
Continu'd rescue to afford:
Still be thy powerful arm made bare,
For all thy servants' hopes are there.
Source: A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.) #DXXXIII