1. Praise ye the Lord; his servants, praise,
His sacred name adore.
2. Oh! blessed be Jehovah's name,
Both now, and evermore.
3. From the sun's rising, to it's fall,
The Lord's name's to be praised.
4. The Lord all nations rules, above
The heavens his glory's raised,
5. Who's like the Lord, our God, who sits
Enthroned above the sky
6. He condescends, on things in heaven,
And earth, to cast his eye.
7. The poor he raiseth from the dust,
From dunghills needy brings
8. Ranks them with princes, o'er his tribes,
Seats them on thrones of kings.
9. The barren he confines at home,
Her offspring to afford
A joyful mother's tender care.
Sing praises to the Lord.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752