1 Pray, pray, pray,
Each and ev'ry day!
Pray, pray, pray
All along the way;
Trouble God upon His throne
Trouble Him till He shall own,
Ev'ry seed of faith you've sown;
Pray, pray, pray!
2 Pray, pray, pray
In the Saviour's name;
Pray, pray, pray,
He is just the same;
Make no compromise with sin.
Let the Spirit dwell within.
Keep your garments pure and clean.
Pray, pray, pray!
3 Pray, pray, pray
For the truth to spread,
Pray, pray, pray
For your daily bread:
Shoot your arrows, aim them high;
Never mind the aliens cry,
If you compromise you'll die–
Pray, pray, pray!
4 Pray, pray, pray
For God's grace to flow;
Pray, pray, pray
Till the earth shall know
Christ is just the same today,
Christ who wash'd our sins away,
And He'll keep us ev'ry day–
Pray, pray, pray!
5 Pray, pray, pray
For the promised shower;
Pray, pray, pray
in the Spirit's power;
Pray, and keep your armour bright,
Always ready for the fight.
Pray and trust the Saviour's might–
Pray, pray, pray!
Source: His Fullness Songs #327