Quiet from God! how beautiful to keep
This treasure, the All-merciful hath given;
To feel, when we awake and when we sleep,
Its incense round us, like a breath from heaven!
To sojourn in the world, and yet apart;
To dwell with God, and still with man to feel;
To bear about forever in the heart
The gladness which His spirit doth reveal!
Who shall make trouble, then? Not evil minds
Which like a shadow o’er creation lower;
The soul which peace hath thus attunéd finds
How strong within doth reign the Calmer’s power.
What shall make trouble? Not the holy thought
Of the departed; that will be a part
Of those undying things His peace hath wrought
Into a world of beauty in the heart.
What shall make trouble? Not slow-wasting pain,
Nor even the threatening, certain stroke of death;
These do but wear away, then break, the chain
Which bound the spirit down to things beneath.
Source: A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion (15th ed.) #282