1 Ransomed ones are safely crossing
To the happy, golden shore,
Earth-life ended, from all toil and sorrows free;
Trusting only in their Savior,
Safe tho’ angry billows roar,
Going home with Him to spend eternity.
They are crossing, safely crossing
From the scenes of pain and strife,
Having won the victory forevermore;
With the Savior as their pilot
To the home of endless life,
They are crossing, they are safely crossing o’er.
With the Savior as their pilot
To the home of endless life,
They are crossing, they are crossing safely o’er.
2 One by one they’re safely crossing,
Guided by the Savior’s hand,
Soon with joy they’ll stand upon the streets of gold;
O no foes or sinful ones can
Reach the promised glory land,
But the pure in heart shall Christ fore’er behold! [Refrain]
3 They are crossing, safely crossing,
For they’ve heard the Savior’s voice,
And accepted Him, the Life, the Truth, the Way;
Brother, sister, heed His pleading,
In His mercy now rejoice
That you safely cross and share Heav’n’s joy for aye. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16188