1 Rejoice and be glad, all lands of the earth,
Send forth a song of praise
To welcome a King of measureless worth,
Who reigns, thro’ endless days.
Rejoice and be glad,
For our Saviour reigns,
The heights of heaven ring
With hallelujah strains,
Rejoice and be glad,
Let His Name be adored,
Give endless praise and worship
Unto Christ our Lord.
2 Rejoice and be glad, for Saviour is He,
Who pardons ev’ry sin,
He came to the world, His people to free,
Salvation’s joy to win. [Refrain]
3 Rejoice and be glad, give praise to His Name,
Our blessed Saviour King,
In anthems and song His glory proclaim,
A hymn of worship sing. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #36