1 Rejoice, rejoice, O child of light,
Unknown to earthly fame;
Far, far beyond these scenes of night
Shines forth your humble name;
By angel band, at God’s command,
With joy ‘twas written down;
On that blest day you sought the way
To win a fadeless crown.
2 Rejoice, rejoice, ye homeless saints,
Who own no mansion here;
Forever cease your sad complaints,
And dry each falling tear;
Far, far away, in endless day,
Where dwell the good and true,
A mansion stands, not made with hands,
All fitted up for you.
3 Rejoice, rejoice, ye weary ones,
Who long with cares have striv’n,
For brighter far than many suns
Shines forth your name in heav’n;
To that fair shore shall come no more
The ills we suffer here;
Those regions blest give perfect rest,
And life without a tear.
4 Then let us cease to envy those
Who gain earth’s pomp and pow’r;
Their glory, like the fadeless rose,
Is only for an hour;
But we shall live where God doth give
Eternal life and love;
With the gate our dear ones wait,
To welcome us above.
Source: Sacred Songs No. 1: compiled and arranged for use in gospel meetings, Sunday schools, prayer meetings and other religious services #82