1 Rejoice! rejoice! the Christmas time is here,
The time for joy and gladness;
The Christ of God is come our hearts to cheer,
And banish care and sadness.
Chime on, ye bells of gladness, chime!
Chime on, ye bells of gladness, chime!
This is the merry, happy Christmas time!
This is the merry, happy Christmas time!
2 We gather round the festive Christmas tree
And praise the Lord of Heaven,
That unto us He has, in mercy free,
A precious Savior given. [Refrain]
3 This is the merry, happy Christmas time,
Ring out the wondrous story;
Chime on, ye bells of joy and gladness, chime,
And celebrate His glory. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14131