1 Rejoice with me, rejoice with me,
And praise the Lord today;
For he has saved and ransomed me,
For he has saved and ransomed me,
And washed my sins away,
And washed my sins away.
I have just returned from the fountain,
Where I went to weep and pray;
There I met the precious Savior,
And he washed my sins away,
There I met the precious Savior,
And he Washed my sins away.
2 My weary heart could find no rest
Until to Christ I turned;
He welcomed and bestowed on me,
He welcomed and bestowed on me,
The peace for which I yearned,
The peace for which I yearned. [Chorus]
3 Returning now from Calvary,
Where I had gone to pray,
My heart with praise to Christ is filled,
My heart with praise to Christ is filled,
Who washed my guilt away,
Who washed my guilt away. [Chorus]