1 Ring, ye bells of joy, salvation’s precious story,
Tell the grace that flows from everlasting love;
Send to all the world the tidings of his glory,
While the Light of life is streaming from above.
Joy, all joy, for Jesus lives forever;
Come, O come, and worship at his feet;
Joy, all joy, his grace shall fail us never,
Bring, O bring, an off’ring pure and sweet.
2 We will gladly spread love’s mighty proclamation,
May our lives repeat the message we have heard;
While our hearts receive a fuller revelation
Of our Saviour’s love, unfolded in his word. [Refrain]
3 Lead us, blessed Lord, in paths of truth and beauty,
May each passing day, new proofs of mercy bring;
Help us offer thee, our gifts of love and duty,
Help us give ourselves to thee, our Lord and King. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday-School Praises: prepared especially for use in the Sunday-School #6