Rise, thou glorious orb of day,
Draw the curtains from the sky;
Let thy light in glad array,
All creation beautify;
Bid the fears of darkness born,
Melt before the light of morn.
Light transcendent! fill the skies,
Glorious Orb of heavenly light!
Take the darkness from our eyes,
Fill our souls with visions bright.
Jesus, Light of lights, appear,
Rise upon our souls with cheer.
From Thy throne of splendour bright,
Shed Thy glory far abroad;
Let the wanderers in their plight
See the path that leads to God,
And upon their pathway shine,
Heavenly Orb of light Divine.
There no sun illumes the day,
Where the wanderers find their rest;
Moon nor stars their light display
In the kingdom of the blest;
For the Christ Himself is Sun,
And the day is never done.