1 Rock of Ages, still the same,
Everlasting, bless his name!
Thou on earth o'er sinners wept,
Faithful watch hast ever kept;
To thy sheltering arms I flee,
Sympathy I find in thee.
2 Rock of Ages, gladly come,
Wanderers, to the Father's home;
Thus the weary, fainting child,
Traveling o'er the desert wild,
'Neath thy grateful shadows flee,
Rest and strength receive from thee.
3 Rock of Ages, from thy side,
All who in the Rock abide
May receive a full supply;
Can with perfect faith draw nigh;
Thirsting souls, the waters see,
Sweet, refreshing, come from thee.
4 Rock of Ages, firm, secure,
Nothing else can thus endure
Storm and tempest; ages gone,
Still unmoved, the shock that borne;
Thou, my righteousness I see,
All my hopes are built on thee.
5 Rock of Ages, thou alone,
Through eternal years art known;
While the endless cycles roll,
Rock and refuge of my soul,
Rest and joy awaiteth me,
Heaven and home are found in thee.
Source: Bible Study Songs: for junior societies, junior and primary Sunday schools #150c