Display Title: Come and Eat This Living BreadFirst Line: Saint and sinner welcome in to this meal of harmonyTune Title: ADORO TE DEVOTEAuthor: Rob Glover, b. 1950Meter: 12 12 12 12Date: 2011Subject: Community | ; Eucharist | ; Gathering | ; Kingdom/Reign of God | ; Love of God for Us | ; Unity | ; Welcome |
Display Title: Come and Eat This Living BreadFirst Line: Saint and sinner welcome in to this meal of harmonyTune Title: ADORO TE DEVOTEAuthor: Rob Glover, b. 1950Meter: 12 12 12 12Date: 2004Subject: Christian Initiation | ; Eucharist |
Display Title: Come and Eat This Living BreadFirst Line: Saint and sinner welcome inTune Title: ADORO TE DEVOTEAuthor: Robe Glover, b. 1950Meter: 7 5 7 5 DDate: 2001Subject: The Sacraments | Eucharist