1 Salvation! O my soul, rejoice;
Salvation is of God;
He speaks, and that almighty voice
Proclaims his grace abroad.
2 How wonderful, how grand the plan!
All Deity’s engaged
To rescue rebel, ruined man
From Satan’s power and rage.
3 The Father loved us ere we fell,
And will for ever love;
Nor shall the powers of earth or hell
His love from Zion move.
4 ’Twas love that moved him to ordain
A Surety just and good;
And on his heart inscribe the name
Of all for whom he stood.
5 Nor is the Surety short of love;
He loves beyond degree;
No less than love divine could move
The Lord to die for me.
6 And O what love the Spirit shows!
When Jesus he reveals
To men oppressed with sin and woes,
He all their sorrows heals.
7 The Three-in-One and One-in-Three,
In love for ever rest;
And Zion shall in glory be,
And with his love be blessed.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #579