1 Saviour, for the little one,
Safely gathered in Thine arms,
Ere the battle had begun,
Victor, spared from war's alarms,
We who toil and struggle sing
Praise to Thee, the children's King.
2 First of all Thy martyr-band,
Infants for Thy sake were slain;
Day by day, from every land,
Infants swell the guileless train,
Who, this vale of tears untrod,
Stand before the throne of God.
3 Thou dost give and take away,
Full of love, in all Thy ways:
Be each mourner's heart to-day
Full of loving trust and praise,
In the midst of grief to bring
Thanks to Thee, the children's King.
The Hymnal: revised and enlarged as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892