1 Savior, sprinkle many nations;
Fruitful let thy sorrows be;
By thy pains and consolations
Draw the Gentiles unto thee.
Of thy Cross the wondrous story
Be it to the nations told;
Let them see thee in thy glory
And thy mercy manifold. A-men.
2 Far and wide, though all unknowing,
Pants for thee each mortal breast;
Human tears for thee are flowing,
Human hearts in thee would rest;
Thirsting as for dews of even,
As the new-mown grass for rain,
Thee they seek, as God of heaven,
Thee as Man for sinners slain.
3 Saviour, lo! the isles are waiting,
Stretched the hand, and strained the sight,
For thy Spirit new-creating,
Love's pure flame, and wisdom's light;
Give the word, and of the preacher
Speed the foot and touch the tongue,
Till on earth by every creature
Glory to the Lamb be sung.
Source: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #312