1 Savior, when my life has ended,
When my work on earth is done,
When the angels have descended,
To convey my spirit home,
May my life be full of beauty,
May I still be true to Thee,
Standing at my post of duty,
When the angels come for me.
When the angels come for me,
I believe that I will see
Spirit forms so bright and fair,
As they hover in the air.
2 Savior, when my feet, so weary,
Reach their journey’s end at last,
Oft the road’s been sad and dreary,
Many dangers I have passed,
May my journey be victorious,
May my life appear to Thee,
Shining as my crown so glorious,
When the angels come for me. [Refrain]
3 Savior, when my loved ones, weeping,
And my friends are drawing near,
Bending low and silence keeping,
That my last words they may hear,
May the life work I have given
On Thine own fair record be
Spotless as my robe in Heaven,
When the angels come for me. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8458